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{{ vm.title }}

{{ vm.content }}
{{ vm.content }}

{{ vm.pointCloudsTitle }}

{{ vm.title }}

{{ vm.subTitle }}

No Team Project ({{ vm.selectedTeamProject.teamName }}) {{ }} ({{ vm.selectedTeamProject.teamName }})

Hide search filters Show search filters
Search term: {{ }} Not filtered
Case sensitive: Yes No
Also search descriptions: Yes No
Also search object names and object descriptions: Yes No
By user: {{ }} Not filtered
Belongs to team: {{ }} Not filtered
Belongs to team projects:
{{ }}
Not filtered
In categories:
{{ }}
Not filtered
With semantic classes:
{{ }}
Not filtered
{{ metadataType.displayName }}:
{{ metadatumValue }}
Not filtered
Uploaded between: {{ }} Not filtered
and: {{ }} Not filtered
Point Clouds Point Cloud Fusions

Your limit: {{ vm.loggedInUserPointCloudFusionCount }} / {{ vm.getPricingPlanValueAsString(vm.loggedInUserMaxPointCloudFusions) }} Point Cloud Fusions

Your limit: {{ vm.loggedInUserPointCloudCount }} / {{ vm.getPricingPlanValueAsString(vm.loggedInUserMaxPointClouds) }} Point Clouds

You have unfinished uploads. If uploads are not finished in time, uploads without files will be deleted after one day. Other uncompleted uploads will be deleted after 7 days.

This list only shows point clouds that are visible on the overview map. If you move or zoom inside the map, the list will update automatically. Only point clouds that are georeferenced are shown. This list only shows point cloud fusions that are visible on the overview map. If you move or zoom inside the map, the list will update automatically.

Action for selected point clouds: Action for selected point cloud fusions:
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}
{{ vm.labelDisplayString }}


{{ }}

{{ getDisplayName(pointCloudProject.user) }}

{{ }}
{{ vm.getTeamProjectName(pointCloudProject.teamProject) }}

{{ vm.getPointCloudStatusTranslation(status.translation) }}

Processed Processing
Private Public
Allowed Denied
{{ pointCloudProject.pointClouds.length }} {{ pointCloudProject.numberOfPointsString }} {{ FormattingHelpers.formatDateOnlyDay(pointCloudProject.created_at) }}
Name Team Number of Point Clouds Number of Fusions Actions
No Team Project

{{ }}

{{ teamProject.teamName }} {{ teamProject.numberOfLoggedInUserPointClouds }} {{ teamProject.numberOfAllPointClouds }} {{ teamProject.numberOfLoggedInUserFusions }} {{ teamProject.numberOfAllFusions }}
Sorry, an error occurred. Please reload the page.
There are no team projects with point clouds that are inside of the chosen map section. There are no team projects yet.

No point clouds inside of the chosen map section are matching your search. No point clouds are matching your search.

No Point Cloud Fusions inside of the chosen map section are matching your search. No Point Cloud Fusions are matching your search.

You didn't upload any Point clouds inside of the chosen map section yet. You didn't upload any Point clouds yet.

You didn't create any Point Cloud Fusions inside of the chosen map section yet. You didn't create any Point Cloud Fusions yet.

No point clouds have been uploaded inside of the chosen map section yet. No point clouds have been uploaded yet.

No Point Cloud Fusions have been uploaded inside of the chosen map section yet. No Point Cloud Fusions have been created yet.

An error occurred while loading the map.
Please reload the page and try again.